Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bad Lip Readings= Pure Genius

So I was reminded today about one of my FAVORITE things that exist on the internet.. Bad Lip Readings. If you have never seen these, seriously you are missing out! They honestly never get old and they are the ultimate form of free publicity.

Like many great videos on YouTube, they get shared over and over and rack up millions of views. So how does this tie into marketing? Word of mouth! These videos are being shared to all over social media and are reaching people in ways a company just can't do.

So how does this relate to sports? Well Bad Lip Reading makes a variety of different videos, from Twilight to The Hunger Games to my personal favorite, the NFL. This honestly has just made me love sports that much more. You always see athletes on TV talking and yelling, but until now I have never known what they said. Bad Lip Reading is there to help and boy does it! The original video itself has racked up over 50,000,000 views on YouTube and has been shared too many times to keep track of. I personally have shown every one of my friends the video.  A new NFL related Bad Lip Reading was released less than a month ago and has already racked up over 18,000,000 views on YouTube. That is a lot of free publicity for the NFL. Fox Sports even posted the latest video on their website, now that is serious. Just think if companies got on board with this and let the people at Bad Lip Reading remake some of their commercials. Boom. More impressions made for your company to people who may have never been reached before (just a thought).

Keep it coming Bad Lip Reading. I just can't get enough. Below I have put up the current NFL Bad Lip Readings for your viewing enjoyment.

 "Don't hoard cat food"
"A chair is somewhere to sit"
"I'm gonna rest because I'm the best"



  1. Oh my gosh this is hilarious!!! I have never seen these, but i'm definitely about to go find more. I agree, free publicity for the NFL because I am not one to actually watch the games, but I like this.

  2. I would love to find out how much these guys charge per video. Because you're completely right, TONS of people view and share these, but it's definitely not free! Maybe they charge so much (now that they've gained so much notoriety) that only huge brands like the NFL can afford it!
